I would like to go to Chile in 2050, because it's the place where I live in. And I would like to get there at midday to contemplate everything in the best way. Because various scientific studies suggest that if we, as a human race, do not improve our customs or habits with regard to the environment or to deal with climate change, during this period, the earth would be in deplorable condition. To be able to verify the state and attitude of the human race in the face of the imminent disaster of our home, as to see if there are droughts in various parts of the planet, would also worry me to know what the scientific advances are in terms of technologies that currently do not exist for such deadly diseases as cancer.

I would be interested to know the geopolitical distribution at that time, to see if conflicts of this kind have really been resolved or if the situation is going from bad to worse. So, based on what I see every day in the news or news reports, if there is a match with what they say, I would prefer not to stay, and by not staying and returning to the present which is 2022, I would make the necessary efforts to warn the present humanity that we have as a race that changing our habits, as seen in the future is not promising. Perhaps the opportunity to travel into the future would serve to make the human race aware of its daily actions and we would modify the bleak future that awaits us. I would act as a “messenger of time. ”


  1. For further comments and feedback on your writing, please refer to the Rubric published in the U-Cursos Platform.

  2. Hi. Hopefully, people become aware quickly, for the good of the planet and humanity.


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